Clojure friendly word definitions in Emacs

Want Emacs to treat some-symbol as a single word for editing? I do! And here is how:
Add to your init.el

(dolist (c (string-to-list ":_-?!#*"))
  (modify-syntax-entry c "w" emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table))

This works great with evil-mode (vim style) delete word (dw) and change word (cw) shortcuts.

Pair Well is Live, Check it out

I recently started a new job where we Pair Program every working moment.

Friends often ask me how it works, what's it like, and how it helps. Explaining was hard, so I thought is there a way to dive straight into the experience instead?

I created Pair Well to match people up with others who are interested in collaborative programming. Here is a short demo of how to use it:


Try it out and let me know what you think.